


Color Wheel (2014)

Color Wheel (2014)

Square Pattern Transparency (2014)

Square Pattern Transparency (2014)

Unit Pattern (2014)

Unit Pattern (2014)

Without question, my biggest obstacle in this course was painting. I’m not a painter and while I appreciate those who do, it was at least twelve years since the last time I picked up a brush for art school. Factor in some extra hurdles delaying my acquisition of said paints, it was a recipe for disaster I was not looking forward to. What followed was a spectacular demolition derby of confidence and circumstance that didn’t exactly do wonders for my (up until that point) spotless performance.

Fast forward a month. I finally get everything in my hands and set to work. I can’t control a brush to save my life, but somehow I managed to pull the three preceding pieces off. With mounting pressure and unstable concentration, the fact they exist fills me with a little pride. I’m 1000% positive I’m never going to be a professional painter, but I do know that if these hands don’t have a pencil available I can at least pick up a brush.

Results may vary.

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