Learning Self Analysis

Roxana Boucaud





Learning Self Analysis               

I commenced my baccalaureate degree requirements in the spring of 2009, just a few short weeks after my pinning ceremony. I did not know what to anticipate in my initial course requirements and just how intensely I would be challenged.  The semesters that I spent in this program facilitated my growth and development as a professional. One of the most challenging aspects of the baccalaureate program was the multiplicity of research papers that was required.  My writing and critical thinking skills was challenged and consequently developed.  I am proud of what I have accomplished and how I have grown both professionally and educationally.  I can state with all sincerity that there is nothing that I would recommend be changed about the program and its requirements.  It was specifically designed to meet the needs of professionals seeking advancement and consequently produced better more qualified competent professionals.  I sincerely appreciate the wealth of information imparted by the nursing faculty.  They were a highly qualified, highly competent group of professionals that imparted knowledge in a caring, competent manner- their excellence was highly appreciated.  My personal and professional development was also facilitated by interacting with cronies that practiced the profession for many years.  The wealth of experience they brought to the program was simply enriching.  I counted it a privilege to interact with so many of them and was consequently inspired by their commitment to the profession. Nursing as a profession has grown exponentially over the years and I consider myself fortunate as a baccalaureate prepared nurse to grow with the profession.

Roxana Boucaud RN



















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