
My name is Rizwan. I am a liberal arts and sciences major at City Tech. On my free time I like to play handball and drive around. This helps me think when I need to and also helps me not think about certain stuff. Driving and handball are very therapeutic for me. I work at a retail store. In the future I see myself investing into real estate and being an entrepeanuer. Summer break did not go as expected. I was in quarantine which sucked but I did learn a lot due to me having more time on my hands.

I always seemed to get good grades in English courses. I love to free write because it allows me to creatively express myself with words. I also tend to think a lot so its cool to see my thoughts coming to life on a piece of paper. I actually prefer to write on paper rather than typing but with times changing and getting more advanced I am learning to love typing as well. My favorite genre of literature is realistic-fiction mysteries and horror. My favorite author is Edgar Allen Poe. To me, a utopia is a dream land where things seem to be in your favor. All of your fantasies come true in this space and its filled with positive vibes if those are the vibes you like of course. Dystopia seems to be the polar opposite, almost like a nightmare. I am expecting this course to be a more detailed course of an intro to psychology course that I had taken before. I believe we will be learning about perspectives, mindsets and differences between people. I am looking forward to it.

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