DB05 – Communication With Parents

Prompt: Create a table that assesses the benefits and drawbacks of the following types of technology for communicating with parents: Emailing Newsletters, Phone Blasts (Mass Recorded Phone Calls), Mail Merging Letters, Parent Video Conferences, and Social Media.

Communication Technology Types



Emailing Newsletters

It is convenient to contact the parents via email. Because there is no defined time between the teacher and the parents, communication is fluid and uncomplicated, as each may respond at their own convenience.

One disadvantage of this communication strategy is that some parents may lack access to technology and so be unable to receive emails. Furthermore, others can have access but not know how to use it. 

Phone Blasts (Mass Recorded Phone calls)

The phone blast (mass recorded phone calls) is highly useful for school staff since it allows them to record one message and send it to several parents at the same time without having to call each one individually. 

The disadvantage of this tool is that if the parent has any questions concerning the message, they will not receive a rapid response because the automated system is not designed for that. 

Mail Merging Letters

The mail system allows parents to get letters informing them of school activities, children’ grades, and so forth. Using this strategy, parents can receive the message directly to their mailboxes without having to schedule a certain time to attend school. 

There is a risk that letters will be lost or that students will disregard the letters if they contain a bad message from the school. 

Parent Video Conferences

We can schedule a Parent Video Conference, which eliminates the need for the parent to commute to school. 

Many parents do not have access to technology or are unable to join video conferences because they do not understand how to operate the equipment or enter the meeting. 

Social Media

Parents can view school news while on social media, as well as forthcoming events, by using something that most people use on a daily basis. 

People can hack social media and other platforms to broadcast fraudulent information online. This can lead to misunderstandings of information, and students or parents may potentially be targeted. 


-The call system is one of the technologies I’ve utilized to interact with the parents. I usually schedule contact times with parents to discuss any topics concerning their child or to inform them of an upcoming key event. This strategy allows parents to ask questions at any time, and most of the times get an immediate response.

Harman, M. (2024, February 20). Top parent communication tools in 2024. Kitaboo. https://kitaboo.com/parent-communication-tools-every-school-should-use/