DB11 – Considering Activities that Align with Standards 

Prompt: Outline an activity you would use in your classroom that is aligned to a learning standard; using the activity as a starting point, determine the technology that can be used to conduct the activity and identify the level on the SAMR model it belongs to.

An activity that students have done in my class is searching for information on new conceps to be able to create a definition for them.  

9-10 and 11-12 W7: – Gather relevant information from multiple sources, using advanced searches effectively

M- The technology that can be used to improve this activity for the class is a cloud-based word processor tool that allows students to collaborate and check each other’s definitions. The teacher may also share the definitions on the board so that the class could review them together and give feedback as well.

Hughes, R., Logan, S., & Siminski, T. (n.d.). Nysed. https://www.nysed.gov/sites/default/files/programs/curriculum-instruction/ngls-edtech-presentation-conference-3-28-18.pdf