
imageAs a Dental Hygiene student, I was able to implement the multiple professional roles of a Dental Hygienist.  As a clinician, I used my clinical skills and knowledge to provide customized, comprehensive care to all of my patients. As a public health advocate I was able to attend various community service events, and use my role as Educator to inform the public about oral hygiene and provided them home care instruction.  A hygienist role as a researcher is continuous. During my time as a Dental hygiene student I have done extensive research and continuing education courses on topics such as influenza, HIV, Vitamin D, antibiotics and corticosteroids. As I approach my final semester as a Dental Hygiene student, I have witnessed the evolution in my clinical skills and self confidence. When I first entered the Dental Hygiene program I was very reserved and shy. During my second semester I had no choice but to break out of my comfort zone, especially when I started treating actual patients. Needless to say the role of Administrator did not come easy, however with the help of my classmates I was able to organize  mass screenings to the general public and referred them to our clinic for treatment. My eportfolio is a candid snap shot of my journey throughout the program.