Author Archives: Raul

Final result

Here are links to what I produced

Mod File:

Audio Files:

My project

Years ago, I wanted to work in the videogame industry but I ended up doing film instead. Working on set I became a sound person since none of my colleagues want to touch the boom pole. I came to city tech to better my craft and found a wide variety of application for sound, including video games. I chose to do a project marrying my passion with my career. Recording lines for videogame and inserting into the game. Specifically the videogame X-Com 2.

First, I would need to have a place to record the audio without reverb. I will use my closet and research the best way to make it into a vocal booth. I would have to look online for a script of lines from the game. If there isn’t any script, I will have to look in the source code of the game. Once the script and vocal booth are done, I will have my friend record the lines. Once the recording is finished, I will processed audio to be ready to put in the game, I’ll do a test beforehand to see if it’s possible to add audio to the game. When the test is a success, I will put the rest of the audio in the game. Once done, I will publish the mod on Steamworks for everyone to download.


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