Acacia Documentary

My cousin Ricardo Aguirre was working with Digital Bodega on his documentary funded by the nonprofit Acacia network. He needed someone to help him film a trip to Albany but Daquan and Ishmael couldn’t make it. Daquan asked me to help Ricardo out. It was a run n’ gun shoot. We met the night before to make a plan and test equipment. We used the Canon EOS 100 and the Sennheiser MKH416 shotgun mic. The next day we picked up the interviewees around seven in the morning and left for Albany. During the middle of the trip we conducted the interview. My cousin was driving and I was filming from the front passenger seat. Though I’m more familiar with audio, I made sure to practice with the camera before hand.  The Mike was hooked up straight to the camera. I left the input on automatic so the levels would not get too loud or soft.

Interviewees talked about the city of the forgotten an area in Albany where ex-junkies made shantytown by the waterfront. Today is now a park. My cousin conducted interviews at the part and film B role. We stayed there for an hour and went back to NYC.