Philosophy of nursing

Philosophy of Nursing

Nursing was not my first choice of a profession as I was trying to navigate through different career paths as a young college student. After transferring from one major to another and seemingly not feeling myself belonging there I decided to take a semester off and think about what I really want to do. That is when I discovered nursing and decided to pursue it as my profession because of my willingness and desire to help people in need and not just come to a boring desk job for a paycheck. Once I got into the program, I felt at home and really wanted to make a difference in the world while helping save lives and help people live a happier and healthier life.

My philosophy is that nurses should provide the best possible care to the patient while doing it with passion and love. We as nurses must do not harm and always use our best clinical judgment whether it is in a healthcare setting or outside of it. We must treat everyone with respect and like they are our family no matter what the patient’s religion, gender, ethnicity, or sexual orientation might be. My beliefs and values are that one should be an honest, kind, helping, and loving person. Treat others how you want to be treated is my motto. We must do things with love and learn to share the love and not the hate because the strongest thing in this world is love and it brings people together.

It is important to me to keep learning the skills needed to be the best nurse I can be and in order to provide the best possible care to my patients. Also, it is important to stay up to date with all the information and the changes in the field so this will be a life-long learning career which I do not shy away from. I am always looking forward to learning new things and trying to better myself intellectually and as a man. Learning from mistakes is also an important aspect, as we are not perfect but learning from mistakes can improve us and give us a different outlook. It is a problem when we do not learn from our mistakes and keep repeating them. But I am a big believer in second chances and everyone deserves a second chance.

I believe we as nurses need to support each other and stand up for each other in tough times. I am looking forward to continuing my nursing education beyond the BSN program and learning new things and sharing that wisdom down the line with my peers, coworkers, and even up and coming student nurses if they ever need my help. I want to be a nurse practitioner in either pain management or something sports related in the future and hope to be the best one out there.