Feb 9th 2016 assignment

Part I & II:

This is my first time taking a online or partially online course so I’m not sure how everything works yet. The Student Orientation video was not really helpful in terms of showing you how to use all the aspects of blackboard, but rather the person in the video just gave a general overview and said it would be self explanatory. He did however state the things to expect throughout the course and basically is saying to follow instructions and manage your time to succeed.

However, the beginner’s guide to Blackboard definitely helped me out in understanding all the useful resources it has and how to use them. I knew about a lot of them before reading the guide but now i discovered there is a lot more useful things in there that can help me succeed in this class and in the future. Also, if i have any problems or not sure how things work on Blackboard, i can always look it up in the guide which is a tap away, so that is great. Technology is very important in today’s society and health care is moving towards technology as the way of the future, so it is important to familiarize myself with it and build on it.

Part III:

One of the resources i would recommend to my classmates is the online library. It is great for helping us with getting the books and articles needed for our research, personal knowledge, and papers. Also, it is online so it makes it convenient for people who cannot make to the campus.


A second resource i would recommend is the child care center. As some of us have kids and do not have some one to watch them when we go to school, this would be very beneficial. They involve kids in all types of activities appropriate for their age that are beneficial as well as fun for them.


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