
How has information sharing changed?

The process of sharing information has been around for…well, as long as mankind has been around. Information sharing is not a new development undergone in the midst of the 21st century, although it might not have has such a specific name before, humans have been relaying information back and for to one another since our cave-days. After all, how else would we know from the comfort of our bedrock that our camping neighbor has inadvertently soiled himself and the ground is now wet with his bodily fluid? It’s because his cave-wife hit him over the head for doing so with her bone-club  and threw a fit about it letting everyone else in the cave-community know. The only way that information sharing has changed today is as to which methods we use to delivering that information. With the grand use of technology we now have access to not only word-of-mouth, but a plethora of means to send and receive information. For example, we have mailing, calling, texting, snapping, whatsapping, tweeting, tagging, and many many more. There is, virtually, no ends to the means we have of sharing information. That is why scientists have deems the 21st century: “The Age of Technology”.

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