
What do you see as the long-term implications of news categorized as “fake?”

The long-term implications of new categorized as fake, in my opinion, can be fatal. Like playing a game of Telephone, skewed information only becomes much and much more susceptible to error the further it becomes from the source, which in this case would be time. As time progresses, “fake” news becomes more detrimental to society. For example, if someone today broadcasted a message stating that they have the ultimate cure for cancer that will rid the world of this deadly plague, then no one will research a cure for cancer because there will be no need. If that information then turns out to be “fake”, then the cancer virus will have only spread further and humanity will likely cease to exist because no such cure was tangible. In my opinion, “fake” news is a sinful tragedy because it’s long-term implication can be so harmful.

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