Learning Self-Analysis

I am proud of my decision to further my education in nursing and of what I have learned thus far. By deciding to continue on with my baccalaureate degree, I have realized that there was still much more about nursing that I didn’t know before. After taking the National Council Licensure Examination (NCLEX), I believed that I was fully competent in my skills, but this program has taught me things that will stick with me throughout my nursing career. One of the major aspects of nursing that I have improved on was my leadership skills. For a long time nurses have been seen as inferior to the physician, but I was soon able to see the role change of nurses in the most recent years. Because of this program, I was able to become more well-rounded and moved from being efficient not only in concrete thinking, but also in my abstract thinking. The great thing is that there’s so much more to learn in my career and I am confident that I am competent enough to apply my skills at any facility.