Projects on the OpenLab

3,157 to 3,168 (of 3,459)

E Portfolio

My favorite hobby is basketball.

Professional Nursing e Portfolio

Professional Nursing e Portfolio

Professional Nursing e Portfolio

Monette Rospide’s  Portfolio

Monette Rospide’s Portfolio

Hi, I am Registered Nurse who is currently graduation with my Bachelors of Nursing from New York City Technical College. I hope you enjoy my E-portfolio.

Village Digital

Village Digital

try to get people to use Village Digital as their number one copy peace, for all your copy needs.

A Day in the Park

A Day in the Park

The first project is called a day in the park. The class was given a script and we had to direct it and decided who our characters would be.



Class work

John McGuire’s ePortfolio

John McGuire’s ePortfolio

Glorianny Guzman Eportfolio

Creative Designs

Sean Nurse

This is a portfolio



Visual Qoutes

Walk in the park

Storyboard Concept assignment

Graphic Arts

Creating a website for my Graphic Arts class and talk about my experience and work