Projects on the OpenLab

2,857 to 2,868 (of 3,504)


1st Lab

Hello World # 1

Hello World # 1

Ayoola Abudu CET3640

Hello World Lab 1

Hello World Lab 1

Hello WOrld

aziz matoug



Research Tool documentation project

Stop and Frisk Project

Stop and Frisk Project

The positive and negative impact of Stop and Frisk program in NYC

Charlieplexing with the raspberry pi

The goal of our project is to control LED’s through a web browser using a technique called charlieplexing.

Architecture Resources & Utilities

We are looking to collect a list of useful and valuable Resources, Utilities or Organizations in use by our Faculty, our Students and Professional Colleagues. We ask that you respond to the posts below by telling […]

Redhook Study Project

Redhook Study Project

This project will compile information for use in curriculum development for courses that explore solutions to changing climatic conditions and flooding problems in Redhook Brooklyn.

NYC Metro Live

Proposing a web application for viewing real-time updates on the status of the NYC subway system.

Three Tier System – The Two Man Group

Three Tier System – The Two Man Group

Field-based collaborative research experience for students in CST 3613.

Midi Controller

In this project we are building a Midi controller. Our controller will have 12 buttons, 4 linear potentiometer and 2 sliding potentiometers. Each will be assign to control a software, the software we are using in […]