HonĀors ScholĀars ProĀgram ModĀules
Active learning modules provide information about academic conference presentations. Students will be able to present their project and research to others. Topics covered include professional organizations, poster [ā¦]
Peer MenĀtorĀing In EnĀgiĀneerĀing TechĀnolĀogy
Program to increase retention of students in engineering technology programs.
- OpenOpen
WeBWork on the OpenLab is a place where you can ask questions and discuss WeBWorK homework problems, and also see what other students have been asking. Visit the project site to see it in action!
- OpenOpen
This is the City Tech Ursula C. Schwerin Library Blog, Library Buzz
- OpenOpen
DEN 2300/2400 Fall 2024-Spring 2025
Advanced didactic material and clinical experience. The instructor serves as a group facilitator who assists the student in developing an appreciation for the concepts, topics and procedures related to the clinical [ā¦]
This is a collaborative space for student interns working on the OpenLab Team.
- OpenOpen
LivĀing Lab GenĀeral EdĀuĀcaĀtion SemĀiĀnar WinĀter 2025
This is a collaborative space for use by Living Laboratory General Education Seminar participants. This seminar will concentrate on incorporating the general education outcomes of civic engagement, critical [ā¦]
- OpenOpen
- OpenOpen
CreĀative WritĀing at City Tech
This site contains information about Creative Writing activities at City Tech, including information for the English departmentās Minor in Creative Writing.
- OpenOpen
Health and Safety in ProĀducĀtion
A Survey of hazards specifically associated with working in theaters and fabrication shops. Topics include chemicals in pigments and polymer plastics, vapors, fumes and ventilation; shop conditions; proper [ā¦]
- OpenOpen
- OEROpen Educational Resource