What are Bee’s Impacts on Society?

What is a Bee?

Bees are members of the Apidae family, they are flying insects, typically black with yellow stripes that collect nectar and pollen. There are many different types of bees, possibly 20,000 species, and there are many differences between them. Some make honey and some don’t. Some can sting, while others can’t.

The bees most affected by the problems in this guide are the Honeybee (Apis Mellifera and Apis Cerana), the Bumblebee (Bombus fervidus), and the Yellow-faced Bee (Hylaeus anthracinus). 

What Roles do Bees Take?

Bees are part of the reason that vegetation grows. By spreading pollen as they gather nectar to create honey, bees help flowers reproduce and spread seeds to further populate the flowers and expand their nectar hunting grounds.

What is Bee Problem?

Bees face a myriad of problems, some of these problems come from pesticides, disease, and parasites. To learn more about these problems go to “What is Causing Bees to Disappear?”