Professor Scanlan's OpenLab Course Site

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Coffeehouse #2

I had been the manager for Ray’s Candy store for nearly a year. The outside has an old school new york look with it’s time showing all over the hardwood. The walls and storefront are painted bright green and a decent painting of Ray’s smiling face sits next to the store name. The small glass window for taking outside orders is locked open a few inches, letting a nice breeze come in.  Looking from the outside in, the white fluorescent lights in the store and white fairy lights strung about the windows look inviting. The bell jingles when the door is pushed open, and the smell of fried dough hits the nose. Right upon entry, there is only a small strip of standing space that would only fit three or four people laying down flat on the floor. Adjacent would be an equal in length blue countertop with metal lining the edges. The countertop is slanted so one must be careful when placing full drinks there. An obnoxious hot dog roller grill sits right smack in the middle of the counter, the sink being on it’s left but around two feet lower meaning workers have to bend to use it. Following the small strip of space and countertop, there is another even smaller strip of flooring followed by the back counter, where the bottom half of the wall is lined with mirrors and the top half bursting with color. The colors are from menu pictures and descriptions that were as old as a decade. They weren’t anything special, printed pieces of paper or hand drawn signs stating the prices of the best milkshakes, beignets, or fried oreos in the city. Open 24 hours a day, the shop owner Ray will be looking out the window and waving his hand, motioning at you to try out his delicious treats that he’s been serving for almost half a century.

Questions: Is Sam Jeffries’ caretaker? If he was only a mere caretaker why was he so inclined to do Jeffries every bidding that had nothing to do with his job requirement? What was Jeffries’ past so that Boyne took his word without doubt about an alleged murder?

Homework for Sept. 24

Hi Class,

Great job with the discussion of the two films/texts. I haven’t read the quizzes yet, but I’m confident that it wasn’t too hard.

For Sept 24, please read the short story “It Had to Be Murder” by Cornell Woolrich. It’s in the Readings menu tab. This story will set us up to watch one of the most interesting adaptations ever: Hitchcock’s famous 1954 film Rear Window.

Then write Coffeehouse Post #2: 300 words on these two questions: First describe a place you know in great detail–riffing on the way the narrator describes the apartments in his view. Second, what questions to you still have after finishing the story. Remember, the Coffeehouse is a place to experiment and stretch your writing and critical thinking skills. Be inventive and courageous. Post you post to the new category: Coffeehouse #2.


Prof. Scanlan


Class Information for Sept. 17–with office hours updates

Hi Class,

UPDATE: I posted office hours links on the right sidebar.


Thanks for staying a few minutes late today. I really wanted to get all those terms in, but the examples took longer than I thought. Great questions/comments and thanks for volunteering to read.


For next Thursday, we will have a regular class and then I will post the quiz and students will answer the questions and email their answers to me (rather than using OpenLab).


The Quiz will cover:


1—Franklin Bierce’s “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” (in Readings)

and the Twilight Zone film by the same name (in Film Clips)

2—Gilman’s “The Yellow Wallpaper”

and two film versions: the stop motion paper version by Jess Sealey and the lego version by Rylinth Anderfel.

3—The terms we have covered so far: 5-part reading tool (Categories of Analysis), The Three Types of Translation, and the 5 film terms (color, mise en scene, shot/scene, sound, transition)



Best wishes,

Prof. Scanlan

Class Information for Sept. 10

Hi Class,

Here are a few things to consider before Thursday’s class:

1–Homework due Sept 10: Please read “The Yellow Wallpaper,” and then follow directions for posting to the Film-Lit Coffeehouse before class.  See my post in the Film-Lit Coffeehouse menu tab.


2–Remember we now have a set Zoom for Thursday classes…see the Sept. 3 post below for the link.


3–I’ve set up Zoom Office Hours for Mondays from 2-3 and Thursdays from 11-12.

**See sidebar to the right.


See you tomorrow!

Prof. Scanlan

ZOOM Information For Thursday, Sept. 3

Hi Class,

I hope that you had a pleasant week, and that school is going okay. To be honest, I’m a little behind as I’m teaching more classes than usual. Plus Zoom is harder than in-person. Okay, enough complaining for today…


I’ve talked to my colleagues, and I’m made a change to my policy. Now we will use the same Zoom link and password (see below) for all future Thursday classes. This should be easier for all of us, and I’m sorry it took me so long to do this.


Homework: For Sept. 10, read the short story by Charlotte Perkins Gilman titled “The Yellow Wallpaper,” and then go to the new menu tab: “Film-Lit Coffeehouse.” Read the directions on that page which will go into detail about writing your first Coffeehouse post…and how to post on our site.

* “The Yellow Wallpaper” is in the Readings menu tab

**Email any questions that you might have.

Best wishes,

Prof. Scanlan

Hi Class,

Dear ENG2400 Students:

Greetings, and welcome to ENG2400: Film from Literature at City Tech. I am your professor, Sean Scanlan, and I look forward to working with you this semester.

As the Fall 2020 semester begins for us on Thursday, August 27, I wanted to let you know some important information about our online course.

Our class is synchronous. This which means that we have set meeting days and times, and I am obligated to take attendance. We meet Thursdays from 2:30 to 4:15 on Zoom. The schedule says we meet from 2:30 – 5:00, but that time was for in-class meetings before the pandemic. The administration has said that online synchronous classes need to meet for at least half of the stated three hours per week, and we are meeting for more than that. Know that I am available to help support your work in this course, through weekly office hours, which will not be in person, but will be through Zoom, phone, or email appointments (see details on our site).







If you have trouble getting onto Zoom, please email me: If things are really frustrating, you can text/call me: 718-308-7132 (please use my number sparingly).

HOMEWORK: These two tasks are due before class on Thursday, September 3:

1–Please fill out the First Week Questionnaire that is on the right sidebar on this page. This form will help me to see where everybody is in terms of tech, access, and feelings.

2–Read Edgar Allen Poe’s “The Tell Tale Heart” which can be found in the “Readings” menu tab…it is at the bottom of this page. And in your notes (either a physical notebook or on your digital device) write down: Author’s name, story title, date of publication, setting, narration style (first, second, or third person), basic plot (what happens in the beginning, middle, and end of the story), and…did you like the story?–Why or why not? We will discuss this story, and I will ask questions in order to get the conversation started. In class we will watch and discuss short film versions of these stories.

Best wishes,

Sean Scanlan

Getting started: One of the most important questions in our class will be: what is a story and what is a narrative? How can we define it? What does Wikipedia say?

A short story is an invented prose narrative shorter than a novel usually dealing with a few characters and aiming at unity of effect and often concentrating on the creation of mood rather than plot (Merriam-Webster online dictionary)

Let’s read this short story by Jose Luis Borges:

The Captive

by Jose Luis Borges, published 1960

The story is told in Junín or in Tapalquén. A boy disappeared after an Indian attack. People said the Indians had kidnapped him. His parents searched for him in vain. Then, long years later, a soldier who came from the interior told them about an Indian with blue eyes who might well be their son. At length they found him (the chronicle has lost the circumstances and I will not invent what I do no know) and thought they recognized him. The man, buffeted by the wilderness and by barbaric life, no longer knew how to understand the words of his mother tongue, but indifferent and docile, he let himself be led home. There he stopped, perhaps because the others stopped. He looked at the door as if he did not know what it was for. Then suddenly he lowered his head, let out a shout, ran across the entrance way and the two long patios, and plunged into the kitchen. Without hesitating, he sank his arm into the blackened chimney and pulled out the little horn-handled knife he had hidden there as a boy. His eyes shone with joy and his parents wept because they had found their son.

Perhaps this recollection was followed by others, but the Indian could not live within walls, and one day he went in search of his wilderness. I wonder what he felt in that dizzying moment when past and present became one. I wonder whether the lost son was reborn and died in that instant of ecstasy; and whether he ever managed to recognize, if only as an infant or a dog does, his parents and his home.


Source: Borges, Jorge Luis. Collected Fictions. Translated by Andrew Hurley. Penguin, 1998, p 300.

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