


TO POST YOUR DRAFT: It is a  similar process to what you did for the Coffeehouse posts: you write a post and then select the sub-category: First Draft Midterm Essay. Simply paste your essay into the post field, select that category and you should be good to go.

Students should post your draft the Midterm Essay here (minimum 300 words).  Make sure to:

1–Provide your full name and title.

2–The essay should be begin by identifying

–story title and author and year of publication

–film title and director and year of release

–Linda Cahir’s translation ideas

3–Then students should reveal the characters, scenes, and concepts/terms to be used as a frame.

4–Students should write a clear thesis and method statement.

5–Before moving to the comparison/analysis, students should provide a 1-2 sentence summary.

6–This is a formal assignment, so please proofread and use a spell/grammar check.