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Author: Oscar Alonzo

Final Essay

Oscar Alonzo

English 2400 

Dec 5,2020

Final Essay

Is sympathy equivalent to Ideals morals? No, they are not the equivalent since Sympathy is characterized as the ability to feel or comprehend what someone else is encountering and the ability to put oneself in another’s position, And ethicalness morals is characterized as the ethical hypothesis that centers around the advancement of a temperate character. Compassion alongside ethicalness and other kinds of morals can be seen in abstract works which are later converted into films. A film in which sympathy and morals like deontology and goodness morals are “The Life of Pi” by Ang Lee the film rendition of the composed story “The Life of Pi” by Yan Martel. In the film the life of PI, there are numerous scenes wherein we can see Pi feeling sympathy for the creatures, Pi adhering to a bunch of rules, and Pi being good. 

In the film the Life of Pi, a scene wherein we can see Pi feeling sympathy for the creatures is seen, in the scene were the hyena assault the zebra in the boat, and eats the messed up leg of the zebra, in this scene, there’s a nearby all over while he is shouting to the hyena not to eat the Zebra, in this nearby we can see Pi crying which can be deciphered as though Pi was feeling the agony that the Zebra was feeling. Another scene where Pi Feel sympathy for the creatures is indicated when he helps squeezed orange gets, the orangutan on the boat and sees that she is nauseous and discloses to her that on the off chance that he had medication for nausea he would offer it to her, this scene shows compassion since it shows that Pi feels terrible for the creatures. In the composed rendition the two circumstances that I referenced above are equivalent to in the film however in the composed story there is a slight distinction. This distinction is that in the composed story there is where it shows utilitarian morals, utilitarian morals is characterized as the possibility that accepts that the reason for ethical quality is to improve life by expanding the measure of beneficial things, (for example, joy and bliss) on the planet and diminishing the measure of awful things, (for example, torment and misery). Utilitarian morals is seen after Pi assists squeezed orange with getting the boat and just after that says ” I clung to trust that a zebra, a recognizable prey and an orangutan, a new one would occupy it from the endures of me”. This is an illustration of utilitarian morals on the grounds that in spite of the fact that the hyena would assault the zebra and the orangutan would make him tragic, he will be upbeat in light of the fact that the hyena won’t assault him for some time. 

In this film, we can likewise observed instances of deontology, deontology is characterized as any framework that includes an away from of rules, a model where Pi keeps an away from of rules is seen when he establishes the survival reference and adheres to the guidelines written in it. Another scene where pi observes a bunch of rules is the point at which he makes/keeps the standard of “wrecked whit perilous meat eating creatures and endeavor to stamp his domain and to prepare Richard Parker. Another model is seen toward the start of the movies when Pi is rehearsing numerous religions and how he observes the principles of those religions. On the off chance that it had not been for the endurance manual and the standards written in this Pi, I would have kicked the bucket or gone insane. 

In the film we can likewise observe an away form of goodness morals, excellence morals is characterized as the ethical hypothesis that centers around the improvement of an upright character. In the film we can see an away from of goodness morals in the scene where Pi helps Richard Parker (the tiger) to get back on the boat, after it hops off the boat endeavoring to get a fish, this is an illustration of righteousness morals since it shows Part of Pi ethics, despite the fact that he realized that in the event that he had let him there he would have disposed of him, this shows Pi ethics since he realized that allowing the tiger to tiger in there wasn’t the proper activity despite the fact that he realized that protecting it may not be something worth being thankful for to do in light of the fact that he could assault Pi. Another illustration of ethicalness morals is seen when Pi approaches squeezed orange for her child and in the wake of seeing that it wasn’t with her he discloses to her that likely his mother and father have it, this is an illustration of ideals morals in light of the fact that Despite the fact that Pi realized that the infant was presumably dead, he addressed that way since it was the correct activity and to make an effort not to make Squeezed orange tragic. Both the composed variant and the film share a similar storyline wherein we can see instances of sympathy and morals. The solitary contrast between the two works is that the movie has an all the more clear approach to extend the morals and thoughts than the composed adaptation in light of the fact that all through the movie the chief use film methods like camera, close up, and shadows. 

Taking everything into account sympathy and excellence and different sorts of morals can be found in exacting work and in movies, an illustration of compassion and morals like utilitarian morals, ethicalness morals, and deontology is seen in both the composed story of the “Life of Pi” by Yann Martel and the film rendition of the “Life of Pi” by Ang Lee.

Mid-Term Final Draft

Oscar Alonzo

English 2400 

October 25, 2020

Mid-term Final Draft

“Rear Window” vs “It has to be murdered” Comparison Essay

“It must be Murder” is a short story composed by Cornell Woolrich, and “Rear Window” is its mirror film by Alfred Hitchcock. Both the short story and the film are clarifying a similar story of a lady that got killed by her husband, yet everyone has their own characters and style. They are both giving the crowds brief criticism of what truly occurred in that area. A portion of the characters of the film are “James Stewart as L.B. Jefferies and Raymond Burr as Lars Thorwald”. There are significant images in both the short story and the film. L.B. Jefferies’ camera is one of the most significant images in the film. Jefferies utilizes the camera for various destinations in the film. For instance, he takes pictures that can assist him with utilizing them as proof since he can’t stand up and go to Thorwald’s apartment. He likewise utilizes it to see plainly what is happening to his neighbor. 

The character Jeff’s individual life wasn’t referenced in the story. In the story Sam was the helper for Jeff and caregiver. In the film adaptation, Sam was replaced by a woman named Stella. The similarities between both the story “It has to be Murdered” and the film “Rear Window” is Jeff’s injury and the reason why he started spying on his neighborhood. Jeff’s witness is murdered by Thorwald. Also. Lisa was Jeff’s helper with investigating and solving the case. 

There are many similarities and differences between the text and the film, one similarity is that Mr.Thorwald murders his wife and Jeff witnesses it by spying on the neighborhood. The second similarities is that Jeff’s injury is the same and reason to spy on the neighbor. The difference is that in the film, Jeff had Stella and Lisa. But in “It has to be murder” Jeff had a man named Sam to help him. Second difference is in “Rear window” he sends Lisa to go investigate Mr.Thorwald’s place. In “it has to be murdered” Mr. Boyne investigated Mr. Thorwalds’ place.

Taking everything into account the thing I have learned is that composed stories can be made as a film adaptation. Both the film and short story are like a mirror with minor changes in them. It shows how parts of the story can affect the mood/tone of the whole film from the text.

first draft Mid-term essay

Oscar Alonzo

English 2400 

October 22, 2020

Mid-term first Draft

“Rear Window” vs “It has to be murdered” comparison

“It must be Murder” is a short story composed by Cornell Woolrich, and “Rear Window” is its mirror film by Alfred Hitchcock. Both the short story and the film are clarifying a similar story of a lady that got killed by her husband, yet everyone has their own characters and style. They are both giving the crowds brief criticism of what truly occurred in that area. A portion of the characters of the film are “James Stewart as L.B. Jefferies and Raymond Burr as Lars Thorwald”. There are significant images in both the short story and the film. L.B. Jefferies’ camera is one of the most significant images in the film. Jefferies utilizes the camera for various destinations in the film. For instance, he takes pictures that can assist him with utilizing them as proof since he can’t stand up and go to Thorwald’s apartment. He likewise utilizes it to see plainly what is happening to his neighbor. 

There are many similarities and differences between the text and the film, one similarity is that Mr.Thorwald murders his wife and Jeff witnesses it by spying on the neighborhood. The second similarities is that Jeff’s injury is the same and reason to spy on the neighbor. The difference is that in the film, Jeff had Stella and Lisa. But in “It has to be murder” Jeff had a man named Sam to help him. Second difference is in “Rear window” he sends Lisa to go investigate Mr.Thorwald’s place. In “it has to be murdered” Mr. Boyne investigated Mr. Thorwalds’ place.

In conclusion, both the film and short story are like a mirror with minor changes in them. It shows how parts of the story can affect the mood/tone of the whole film from the text.

Coffeehouse #3

The first significant contrast between the story from the film is that Sam is a youngster who was Jeffries’ associate however in the film, it is an old woman who just comes to take his temperature and clean around the house. The second significant contrast is Jeffries’ adoration intrigue shows up and is important for a few significant scenes in the film yet in the story, Lisa was never referenced nor alluded to anytime. Toward the start of the film, Lisa has plans to do a sentimental date for Jeffries since he can’t activate a lot. Jeffries’ collaboration with Lisa isn’t like their dating, since he doesn’t show a lot of warmth towards her. He just keeps her around on the grounds that she causes him and in light of the fact that every other person is disclosing to him she is a decent catch. The connection between the two will get more grounded and they will be nearer.

One minor contrast between the composed story from the film is that Jeffries is a Photographer. In the composed story, his depiction of things gave the peruser clues and suppositions that he possibly something from an analyst to perhaps a private specialist. The subsequent distinction is the neighbor’s portrayals. In the film, according to Jeffries’ depiction, there is The Torso young lady who is a youthful ballet performer artist. Ms. Forlorn Hearts is a woman who lives without anyone else and was desolate to such an extent that passing was her companion. The Newlyweds are in the wedding trip stage and one that nobody will actually overlook. Ms. Amplifier is a craftsman of extremely odd and peculiar workmanship. In the composed story, Jeffries makes reference to a couple with two high schooler kids and A woman with a kid and that was all he referenced about his neighbors before the significant occasion.

Coffeehouse #2

One place I can remember in detail is Van Cortland Park, you see a lot people there everyday. If you look around you see people playing soccer and football, or baseball. Often you see people working out, jogging, or even sitting in the stands. You could see the last stop of the 1 train and the 9 bus passing by. There’s a playground at the front of the entrance, a skatepark at the left of that playground. Also, there’s hiking/biking trails, a pool, and bbq area. Once it hit 7, you can barley see anything at the park because there isn’t much lighting around the park.

The questions I have is- 1. where was Mr. Thorwald heading, was he leaving the country?

2. Why is Sam helping Jeffries with his work?

Film-Lit Coffeehouse Assignment #1

This summer wasn’t different from previous summer. It was the same thing with going to work, or the park. However, I basically got to live by myself because my family went to P.A. This summer wasn’t bad or good, but enough to have fun.

Reading “The-Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Yellow Wallpaper” between them,I like “The Tell-Tale-Heart” more since it was more interesting to me. I found “The-Tell-Tale Heart” somewhat more obvious. While reading “The Yellow Wallpaper” I needed to readcertain parts so as to comprehend.I additionally found the completion of “The-Tell-Tale Heart” to be all the more intriguing with him admitting his wrongdoing due to the commotions he was hearing despite the fact that the police had discovered nothing on him. While, in “The Yellow Wallpaper” you could sort of observe where it was going to,she was fixated on the backdrop and continued being so until the end. I likewise found the things utilized in “The Tell-Tale Heart” all the more intriguing. For instance, to me the utilization of the elderly person’s eye was more fascinating than the backdrop. I also liked the “The-Tell-Tale-Heart” because I kinda enjoyed reading Edgar Allen Poe books and like his work.