Even though most of the year was a little hindering due to the virus this summer wasn’t as bad. I took 2 summer classes in June and went back to work at the start of July after my job closed back in March. It was tricky being back outside, there was that small bit of anxiety of being around a group of strangers especially on the subway. But luckily as cases in the city started to drop I was more at ease. Despite everything going on I was able to meet up with friends I haven’t since the start of the pandemic and I’ve been able to get back some form of normality. Luckily all my friends and family are okay and ready to face the rest of the year. 

Between both stories I was more intrigued by ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ due to me being able to relate to the narrator and her frustrations. Her symbolism of the Wallpaper is something that we all can relate to due to all of us being confined to a space for a while. It makes our minds deconstruct our surroundings and cause us to feel the build up in pressure and cause us to feel unease. I enjoyed ‘The Tell Tale Heart’ as it was a story that was dark and filled with suspense but I enjoyed ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ more since it’s more relatable and all the metaphors made it more detailed and immersed me in that situation.