The winter before this summer started me and my family had made travel plans to go to our country of origin Guyana, and celebrate me and my sisters bday, but due to the world pandemic that was put on hold. Instead for this summer I spent most of it hanging out with my family and had a small celebration for our bday. I also got into a new author, someone I’ve been introduce to before but wasn’t used to  her writing style so I stopped reading her books after the first book. Now I can positively say that I love her and she is one of my favorites. I guess I had to give it sometime and growth for me to full appreciate her work. Then the Covid cases began to drop and the public began to open up, so me and my sisters decided to do a small trip to Atlantic City, which was really fun and a breath of fresh air from everything that was occurring.

After reading the two stories “The Tell-Tale Heart” by Edgar Allen Poe  and “The Yellow Wallpaper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman I noticed some similarities such as, they were both dealing with mental illnesses. There was also differences in how they handled their conditions such as,  the guy from Edgar Allen Poe’s story killing the old man and the woman in the other story getting “help” from her family. So my choice would have to be the “The Tell-Tale Heart” because reading it was just so suspenseful I loved it because it brought so much excitement, it made me wanna finish reading it. The other book didn’t bring me much excitement, it felt too monotone, their wasnt  much happening or I felt like their wasn’t much happening. I now this will sound super weird and I know it was the premise of the book and the story needed it but I hate when books are super descriptive, it bores me and its almost like its forcing me to skip to get to the part where the story picks up and the action and drama is happening. I did give this book a chance because it wasn’t a personal reading, and did have some interesting thoughts  while reading I didn’t like how the family, especially her husband who supposedly loves her was so dismissive to her condition it felt so disheartening considering the outcomes that are possible when you have a mental illness and you are feeling unheard. I also wondered all in the beginning if the wallpaper was a representation of her and her mental illness. Don’t get me wrong this story isn’t a bad story it just isn’t my kind of story.