I had a lot of things planned for this summer, but due to our current situation, most of it had to be canceled. I wasn’t too mad though, as I do enjoy staying home but for the most part, most of my plans were suspended. However, I did get to go on a little trip with my friends to Vermont, which was honestly my highlight of the summer. We had rented an Airbnb in the middle of nowhere and it felt like my friends and I were just in our own little world. It was a little escape from reality which was much needed in this time that we’re in. So I would consider my little trip to Vermont as my favorite moment of the summer.


   If I had to pick between “The Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Yellow Wallpaper”, I would have to go with the latter choice. Although “The Tell-Tale Heart” was entertaining, I personally thought the story itself was kind of mundane, and almost very lackluster. I’m not sure if it’s Edgar Alan Poe’s writing style or just the story premise but I wasn’t as scared as I was intrigued, which is still a good thing but I did feel that for me it was missing a layer in the story, which is why it left me more intrigued. We’re not given much for the relationship between the narrator and the Old man, which left a lot of blanks for me and just unanswered questions. Though it isn’t a fair comparison with “The Yellow Wallpaper” in the context of this question “The Tell-Tale Heart was just lacking. Now the reason why I preferred “The Yellow Wallpaper” would be the opposites of what I just said for “Tell-Tale Heart”. The amount of details you get between the main character and how she interacts with her husband and just the house sets up a lot of the story. Which is another reason why I found this story to be a bit more creepy, as we get to see the main character actually divulge into insanity. The plotline also seemed to be a bit more believable for some reason, which i think has to do with what the background gives, and also ultimately if we were to compare the two endings, I think that “The Yellow Wallpaper” was more climactic and also just scary. All in all, my opinion is that I think “The Yellow Wallpaper” was a better story.Â