This summer was different compared to the others because I could not go most places. I was planning to go to the Dominican Republic and visit the family that I have not seen in a long time. Although that was inconvenient I understand that it was needed to get things back to normal, or at least better. I instead decided to go to Pensilvaina and spend time with my family there. I got a temporary job out there as well. It consisted of folding papers and having to keep up with my speedy coworkers. Even though it wasn’t what I was planning on doing for the summer, it turned out great and I couldn’t be happier about it.

I personally preferred ‘The Tell Tale Heart’ because it has a really intense feeling while reading but I like that because it kept you intrigued. Although both readings were really dense with information and feeling I feel as though ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ was confusing at times only because of how the author decided to organize the reading. The jumps between days and maybe even months, and also the mood changes. In comparison to ‘The Yellow Wallpaper’ ‘The Tell Tale Heart’ was very clear because the emotion came one right after in the flow of the story and also it was within that same day not a span of a couple months. Which made it easier to follow the story.  In the end I do think that these are great readings and I would highly recommend it to anyone who is willing to also watch the film too. I say this because when you watch the film you get more insightful information about the characters based on the decor within the animation and the facial expressions. Also the facial expressions give off different vibes because it varies on the person.