The film and the short story both depict the story that the author was trying to create, however there are a few major and minor differences we see in both. One major difference we see is the representation of Jeffries’ profession. In the short story we are given very vague details on what exactly he does for a living, which does not necessarily give us an explanation for his behavior. It is shown that he is indeed a photographer, this detail gives us a look into his personality and tells us exactly why he is so observing of his surroundings and picks up on details that most people wouldn’t, he is trained to do so. Another major difference is the depiction of the woman who is seen to be very intimate with Jeffries. The story does not give any inclination to Jeffries personal life or if anyone was involved in his life romantically. In the movie we see him almost as a very suave character who knows how to speak to a woman and can direct his passion and mannerism towards them with absolute amounts of chemistry. This leads us to not only know more about his personal life but more about him as an individual. One minor difference between both is the caretaker, in the story we read of Sam who is a male and would do anything for Jeffries as he is his “accomplice” whereas in the movie we have Stella who is a woman and almost playfully ridicules Jeffries for all that he does. I believe that Stella would be less than likely to be an accomplice of Jeffries! Lastly, another minor difference we see is how there is more of a physical representation of the relationship between Mr.Thorwald and Mrs.Thorwald. Within the movies we see actually how both interact with each other first, whereas in the story I feel like most of the emphasis is placed on the actions of Mr. Thorwald. As they are within their apartment we can see how Mrs.Thorwald seems to treat Mr. Thorwald, laughing at him and not seeming to take away anything from his seriousness. This gives us a rather open explanation to why he may have committed the crime of murdering his wife.