Things that I could say that was the movie did differently from the reading is that in general, It gave me a clearer picture of what jeff and reading up to where we are in the text jeff did not have a girlfriend but I did notice that he did in the movie I could not remember what her name was but she was not mentioned in the reading, and this is a major change because it changes how I had pictured the beginning of the reading. One of the minor change that I notice was reading the first few paragraphs I got the idea that jeff was leaving in a very small apartment which he couldn’t move around for different reasons on which was because he was not rich or middle class but in the movie he looks like a middle-class man. In The movie, the way he was looking at the neighbors seems like it is set up for jeff to see whatever they are doing this was different in the reading the way it was described doesn’t feel the same and I feel like this was a very big difference from the reading.