After watching and re-reading Woolrich’s work, there were two significant contrasts I saw so far was the manner by which point by point Jefferies’ adoration of life is in the film than the composed form and the guardian is a lady. The composed story doesn’t specify anything about his adoration life. We enter the story thinking nothing about Jefferie not to mention his adoration life. The story bounces straight into him being an unwelcome voyeur and portraying each home and neighbor in incredible detail. The film adaptation begins with him sitting close to his window and checking the external neighbors, giving us a see of each house at that point goes into profundity about his profession and love life among him and overseer afterwards on his alleged sweetheart. Which carries me to another distinction I saw the way that the parental figure is by all accounts an old woman in the film since she comes over day by day to get him dressed and kneads however in the story the guardian is a man. Additionally in the film we know Jefferie is a photographer and in the story we did not understand what his profession was. The film form is definitely more point by point than the composed however since we didn’t get excessively profound into the film its difficult to recognize the distinctions yet I have an inclination the old woman probably won’t be has faithful as Sam was in the story and furthermore feel like the film is a blend of an adoration/secret simply because of how much detail we think about the primary characters love life and I think once we become all the more further along in the film we will get familiar with their relationship in addition to the homicide puzzle. I’m getting a charge out of the film adaptation in view of the amount more subtleties being shared which makes it additionally intriguing to track.