My room has always been my safe place, from my bed to the walls that confine me to this space that surrounds me. It is the one place that I know really well. My aura exists within this space, my life force which I see every time I walk through my doors. From the hallway you see a plain white door, something that wouldn’t naturally peak your interest. White and boring, but beyond that you find the answers to all your troubles. From the doorway you see the energy floating, the life force that comes from me, from the mahogany framed bed located by the window to the matching dresser to the side of the right wall everything is covered with a distinctive shade of happiness.The walls are white as well, decorated with self made art work and memories from a lifetime full of fun and adventure. The pictures and art all tell stories both of subconscious and conscious experiences.The rack of clothing is decorated with seasonally appropriate clothes, now with sweaters, sweatpants and all types of warm fabric derived from warm earth tones. To the left side of the wall is the mirror which shares its reflection with me, two forms of existence in one space, a reflection of the illusion and then the actual reality. You turn near the mirror and look to see an altar, decorated with Hindu Gods and flowers as a form of Prashad, which in translation means a gracious gift. They sit, blessing the room and keeping it safe. Right next to it is the closet, which when you open it smells of the season themselves, so many colors blur your vision, so many choices and an elaborate explanation of my personality. On the floor is a rug colored to match the bed, aesthetics they say. It gives a safe place for meditation and relaxation. My space and area of relation is small and plain but it is exactly what brings me peace. I can run away from reality and exist peacefully within this small space.


When reading the short story there is an implication that both the narrator and Mr.Thorwald are hunting from within their own spaces which are their apartments. Does this mean that Thorwald had the ability to be a more than calculated killer? If Mrs. Thorwald was already dead, who was the woman that opened the trunk and what was her relation to Mr. Thorwald?