Hi Class,

Great job with the discussion of the two films/texts. I haven’t read the quizzes yet, but I’m confident that it wasn’t too hard.

For Sept 24, please read the short story “It Had to Be Murder” by Cornell Woolrich. It’s in the Readings menu tab. This story will set us up to watch one of the most interesting adaptations ever: Hitchcock’s famous 1954 film Rear Window.

Then write Coffeehouse Post #2: 300 words on these two questions: First describe a place you know in great detail–riffing on the way the narrator describes the apartments in his view. Second, what questions to you still have after finishing the story. Remember, the Coffeehouse is a place to experiment and stretch your writing and critical thinking skills. Be inventive and courageous. Post you post to the new category: Coffeehouse #2.


Prof. Scanlan