This summer due to COVID-19 I couldn’t do any of the traveling I had planned but one fun thing was that I got to spend more time with my family. We barbecue more and just had fun all together. We celebrated my cousin graduation from high school, my friend getting a promotion and my niece’s birthday. Another celebration was that I got a new job which helps me to get closer to my dreams of being a nurse one day. I made and keep making amazing memories with my loved ones especially with my nieces since they stayed with us for a month. I never knew how funny and mature they were until now.  The oldest which is 10 years old always calls me out on things when I try to make them eat their vegetables or soups. The younger is 8 years old and she is super hyper. She makes me feel old sometimes because she is non-stop! I try to keep up with her but my body can’t. I am definitely looking forward to  my Greece/ Italy trip next year and maybe a birthday trip to Cancun. If only COVID-19 would either be controlled or cured.

The two stories were full of suspense and curiosity. In the short story “The Tell-Tale Heart”,  the ending was predictable and very minimal in detail. In just 3 pages, the author was able to build suspense but not as scary I thought. It made me laugh at some points because it just did not make sense. There were a lot of questions unanswered .“The Yellow Wallpaper” on the other hand was filled with metaphors and lots of description. The tone of voice made it super creepy and very intense. The way she would describe herself, her husband and everything around her was just super scary.  I personally liked “The Yellow Wallpaper” because it is more realistic as to what people might go through when mental illness is present. Even though the story was long, it really attracted me and made me believe that this story was based on a true story.  For sure I would pick “The Yellow Wallpaper” over ” The Tell-Tale Heart any day because it made me want to continue reading.