This summer was definitely different.  I wasn’t able to go out with my friends like other summers, I was home most of the summer taking a course online. I was able to practice my driving though, driving my dad to work and then picking him up so that he wouldn’t have to take public transportation.

Between “The-Tell-Tale Heart” and “The Yellow Wallpaper”, I like “The Tell-Tale-Heart” more because it was intriguing from the start.  I found “The-Tell-Tale Heart” a bit easier to understand and follow along. While reading “The Yellow Wallpaper” I had to reread certain parts in order to understand what I was reading and be able to follow the story. I also found the ending of “The-Tell-Tale Heart” to be more interesting with him confessing his crime because of the noises he was hearing even though the police had found nothing on him. Whereas, in “The Yellow Wallpaper” you could kind of see where it was heading to: she was obsessed over the wallpaper and kept being so until the end.  I also found the things used in “The Tell-Tale Heart” more interesting. For example, to me the use of the old man’s eye was more interesting than the wallpaper. In both stories, the characters were obsessing over these things and I just found the use of the eye more appealing, different, making me go “really?” With “The-Tell-Tale-Heart” I was able to pick stuff out right away, for example that the person had something going on, was bothered by the old man’s eye, was bothered by the noises after he killed the old man which could relate to his conscious. Whereas with “The Yellow Paper” it took me some time to depict certain things or come to conclusions. I guess “The Yellow Wallpaper” might take some more analyzing and “The-Tell-Tale Heart” was more of a straight forward short story to read.