Hi Class,
NOTE: I’ve changed my office hours to: Wednesdays from 9-11 am, and by appointment.
First, make sure to bring Romeo and Juliet to class next week. Here is our version: Shakespeare, William. Romeo and Juliet. New York: Signet Classic. ISBN-13: 978-0451526861. $3.99 – Amazon; approx. $16 at CT book store
I hope that today’s information on writing strong thesis statements (and methods) was helpful.
For next Wednesday:
The final draft of the Midterm Essay is due at the beginning of class. Participation points are awarded for submitting it before 6:05.
As you work on the paper, here are some tips:
- It is normal that the first draft is mostly summary; the second draft converts summary paragraphs to analytical paragraphs. To make this conversion make sure each paragraph begins with a strong topic sentence related to the thesis.
- Revise the thesis after each time you revise and edit. Make is stronger with each pass. Once you write your conclusion, make sure to read your thesis–they must talk to each other without simply repeating each other.
- Proofread with care. Use spell and grammar check. I suggest exchanging essays with someone in our class. Another set of eyes is always helpful.
- Staple you first draft and peer review to the final draft.
- Email any questions. Make sure that your question is specific.
Best wishes,
Prof. Scanlan
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