Hi Class,

Today (12/9) was our last class! Thank you for sticking with me during this tough semester. I hope that you learned a lot and even found some ideas to take with you into the future.


End of Semester Information:


Final Essay Deadline: Monday, Dec 14 Midnight!!!!

Method: post to OpenLab (Category: Final Essay)

Helpful tip: read over the student example on OpenLab, use Purdue Owl for help with quotations and Works Cited. See my Proofreading Advice at the end of this post.



Final Exam Deadline: Wednesday, Dec 16 Midnight!!!

NOTE: I will post the Final Exam to OpenLab by 5pm on Friday.

Method: Use a spell/grammar check and send to me via City Tech email.

NOTE: Make sure to type a clear subject line: Full name, ENG2001 Final Exam


Late work: deadline is Monday, Dec 14 Midnight!!!


** SET—student evaluation of teaching? Please fill out this form (it was sent to your City Tech Email)

** Missing work: email me ASAP

** I will have office hours this week and next.



Exam Review: the exam will consist of three sections. First section: short definition and example. Second Section: Quotation Identification. Third Section: brief essay. The exam is designed to take roughly 1:15 to complete, but take the time that you need. Make sure to proofread, revise, and spell/grammar check before emailing your exam to me. You may use your notes and the website while writing the exam.




– 5 part reading tool

– SOP—“The Black Cat,” Edgar Allen Poe

– Todorov

– Central Gothic Irony: in our definition handout, see Lloyd-Smith (5).

– Gothic Emotions, Gothic Actions, Gothic Hallmarks, Gothic Elements

– Global Fiction—Globalization, review the chapter on Globalization by Manfred Steger

– Modernist Fiction—Modernism

– Ethics-5 types




– “The Veldt”

– “The Enormous Radio”

– “A Rose for Emily”

– “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings”

– “Sonny’s Blues”

– “Say Hell, Wave Goodbye”

– “A Good Fall”

– “The Interpreter of Maladies”

– “Assimilation”

– “A Very Short Story”

– “Tender Buttons”

– “The Lottery”


How to punctuate titles and quotations:

  • At the end of his story “Assimilation,” by E.L. Doctorow, the main characters Jelena and Ramon decide to run away.
  • At the end of “Assimilation,” Leon, Ramon’s brother, says “Let the war begin.”
  • Ramon says three things about Jelena, who he says is “beautiful”: she is “shy,” “mean,” and “great.”


Revising and Proofreading Advice:

  1. Offer to trade essays with a classmate.
  2. Read the essay out loud. Enunciate each word. If something is wrong, the ear usually picks it up.
  3. Read “backwards.” This is a technique used by professional editors and proofreaders: starting at the end of your essay, read each sentence in reverse order (don’t read the words in reverse order).
  4. Revise each topic sentence to reveal exactly what the paragraph is trying to claim/assert.
  5. Replace all weak verbs to strong verbs; change passive verbs to active verbs.
  6. Make sure that topic sentences are aligned with the thesis. Do they help support the overall thesis? They should.
  7. Make sure that the thesis, topic sentences, and conclusion speak to each other–that they are linked. Revise as needed.
  8. Make sure that commas are inside the quotations.
  9. Make sure to use grammar check and spell check. Set the grammar check in MS Word to “formal.”


Stay healthy and best wishes to all!


Prof. Scanlan