The story, “Say Hello, Wave Goodbye” by Parsons is one of my two favorite stories/ because of Jasmine Winsder, her attitude fits her role in the story well. She is also known as Jazz an immigration officer who works for the UK border agency. The way she handles situations expressed normalcy, something that occurs in our everyday world. She is the reason to why people either gets their entry to the UK denied or not. Throughout the story one of the events that supports this is when she met this one lady called Megan. She thought she would not be a problem, but Megan just kept on going on with information about what she wants to do in the UK. This led to Jazz just wanting to deny her entry into the UK. She found Megan to be aggravating. Megan did not have a return ticket and her password was fake. One personal trait Jazz has is being strict, Jazz does not tolerate lies. She takes her job extremely serious and is heavily aware of what people are capable of doing just to foolishly try to get by her.

Another one of my favorite stories would be “The Veldt” by Bradbury because of the horror portrayed within the story. The main characters are George Hadley and Lydia Hadley which are the parents of Peter and Wendy Hadley. Wendy and Peter both depend on the Nursery more than their parents. It is a room made for them allowing them to imagine themselves in any place. When George and Lydia decided to take that away due to going on a vacation and wanting to spend time together, it was already too late. They were upset the nursery was taken away. The children’s obsession with the nursery led them to lock their parents out from the outside when they were allowed in the nursery room one last time, after begging them. This led to the death of George and Lydia in which Lions fed off them. The parents do not spend enough time with their own children which made the children to adapt to the material goods. Peter and Wendy felt accomplished, they were smiling towards the end of the story, getting rid of their parents. How evil would it be for a child to get revenge for something their parent would not want them to do.