In the story “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner, the paradox can be that Emily is both weak and strong. After the death of her father, the townspeople start viewing her with pity. It is very evident that he was a controlling parent due to the fact that he rejected many potential suitors for Emily. The death of her father was very hard on her because she refused to acknowledge that he had passed away but eventually she was able to give up his body. One way that she is strong is because she found a way to get away with paying taxes in Jefferson and she reassured  the officials that she is not required to pay them. I think that the redemption was the death of Emily’s father because after his death she was able to do what she wanted without her dad being in the way of her decisions. 

In the story “Bartleby, The Scrivener” by Herman Melville the paradox is that the lawyer sees Bartleby as a charity work, he pities him but soon he realizes that he is a useful worker.The redemption in this story is Bartleby’s death because although he passed it showed how strong he was towards what he thought was right and wrong.