Hi Class,
I was very impressed by your contributions today! I’m hoping for more of the same next week.
REMEMBER: We have class on Tuesday and Wednesday of next. There is no school on Monday (Yom Kippur). Tuesday follows a Monday schedule. So I will see you at 8:50 on Tuesday, Sept. 29.
Read “Bartleby the Scrivener; Or, a Tale of Wall Street” by Herman Melville and “A Rose for Emily” by William Faulkner. The Melville story is longer, so reserve adequate time to read it and take notes.
Then write and post Coffeehouse Post #3. For this post, answer these two questions: can you identify a paradox within the stories? Second, which characters, if any, are redeemed? (what is the redemption about? and who does the redeeming?) 300 words total.
Prof. Scanlan
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