A Very Old Man With Enormous Wings; its main protagonist is centered around this mysterious man – who to many in the community is an angle who has come to take away Pelayo and Elisenda’s (villains) ONLY child. In The House of Asterion – also has a mysterious character who begins his POV by refuting his accusations made against him, also arrogant, misanthropic, and ostracized. The character is then revealed as a Minotaur (half man/half bull)  in a house with no doors and furniture.

            Both stories involve death and their narrators revolve around mysterious/mythical creatures. The House of Asterion – villagers in that community send nine villagers every nine years as sacrifices to satisfy Asterion to ease his wrath towards the people. In A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings – an old man with wings is found upon the beach on the verge of death, although a miraculous survival from soothing the baby. He is tormented and humiliated by Pelayo and Elisenda. The people of the community and from far away find him as entertainment and cures for their failing health. However, he is able to leave his tormented by regaining his strength.

            The setting are also an important part of these stories and the gothic element. The House of Asterion; the setting is now known as a labyrinth. A house with doors and furniture, forking basement hallways, grey stone galleries, and rooms that are alike and infinite. It sets the stage for how Asterion feels about himself and others due to being in complete solitude. A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings begins with a storm that had lasted 3 days – it shows that where the community comes from  not a lot of money. Throughout the stories a women shares her opinion to who he is and that a priest also entered the story – that religion has a part to who the character are.