Hi Class,

Nice job with the discussion and your questions.

For Wednesday, please review ā€œThe House of Asterionā€ and ā€œA Very Old Man With Enormous Wingsā€ and then prepare/write a paragraph in which you describe what you think the story is an allegory for. I will go around the room and ask you each student to discuss their ideas.


Also: look up these terms: Focal point, focalizer, sarcasm, paradox, redemption

**It may help to use a literary dictionary. Hereā€™s a link to the Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms (you may need to be logged in to City Tech library to use this): The Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms (4 ed.)


More help on Allegory: an allegorical narrative illustrates a larger, more complex lesson or truth related to the actual world. From the Oxford Dictionary of Literary Terms: In written narrative, allegory involves a continuous parallel between two (or more) levels of meaning in a story, so that its persons and events correspond to their equivalents in a system of ideas or a chain of events external to the tale.



Prof. Scanlan