This summer, one thing I did that motivated me was buying most of what I needed to practice how to do acrylic nails. I already know how to do nails with regular nail or gel polish but I wanted to branch out and try something new. At first I was discouraged by how many new products I needed and by all the steps it took to practice. However, after I did a lot of research I was more confident in the products that I should purchase for a beginner and the steps I needed to take to start my acrylic nail journey.

Out of the three stories we’ve read so far, my favorite would have to be “The Lottery”. I read this story back in my AP Literature class in high school and I have to admit that I did not enjoy it as much as I do now. The very first time I read it, I was confused and didn’t understand the point of the story. I also didn’t get to discuss it with any of my classmates or my teacher because I’m pretty sure it was a story on the AP Literature exam.

However, reading it now as a sophomore in college, I appreciate the complexity and plot twist of the story. Both of these features emphasizes the theme of the story which is about, forgoing changing and how it can be dangerous by blindly following traditions. In “The Lottery” there is talk of other villages debating on whether or not they should give up the lottery but the everyone else thinks it is foolish to try to change such an old tradition that the first villagers did. It is similar to the unwillingness to change that older people in our society have today but the truth is, as times change you have to change with it. There isn’t always a need to keep old traditions especially if it hurts people.