Author: Lettssi

3 Photos-Lettssi Sandoval

A Gradient

A Gradient: I went shopping this weekend and when i walked out the mall i was hit by this beautiful view of the sun setting. i couldn’t help myself but to take a picture. It is amazing how the sky is able to deliver a variety of colors. Sometimes purple, sometimes pink. On this day it was a beautiful gradient going from blue to orange. Two colors we may not pair often but can be really beautiful together.

biking date

Biking Date: It was a beautiful day Saturday so my boyfriend and i decided to go biking. In this picture we are in VanCourtland park located near the 1 train. VanCourtland as you can see is a really big park where a variety of activities can be done. We biked for what felt like 5 miles. I was out of breath so we decided to rest a bit before we headed back home. My boyfriend and I were in complete silence just taking in this beautiful view of what that world has to offer us. Again, i couldn’t help but to capture this moment and the big fluffy clouds over us.

Foggy night

Foggy Night: I was on my way to the airport around 3am Friday night. It was slightly drizzling which created a bit of fog. My dad and i were stuck in a bit of traffic so i was able to take a quick picture of all the Lamps creating this ray of light. It was really pretty to look at. the whole highway was lit up by these lamp.

“Perfect and Unrehearsed” Lettssi Sandoval

In Teju Cloes essay “Perfect and Unrehearsed”, my favorite photo was Three boys in Liberia by Martin Munkacsl/ Howard Greenberg Gallery. This photo can be defined as many things as possible but to me it is documentary photo. Documentary photos capture the beauty of real-life stories or events in its nature. Three boys in Liberia, is a snapshot of three young boys enjoying the lovely waters of Liberia. The photo gives a sense of joyfulness and freedom as they seem to be running into the water ready to swim away and enjoy their youth. We can say the dominant impression are the colors of the photo. The only colors we see are black and white. But although we can’t see any facial expressions, we can see hand gestures and water splashes on the sand which is the main idea, that although there is barely any color to this photo, we are still able to capture its true nature. To me, the decisive moment is kids being kids, even as adults we can feel the energy of freedom and happiness these children are living and think about a time in our lives, we had a similar moment of carefreeness.