Author: aymina

Photos I may choose for my photo essay

This photo is called “Posing Monkey”. And it was taken in Taif, Saudi Arabia by me on Aug 30, 2024. I saw this monkey while driving so I stopped on the side of the mountain so I can look at them. Monkeys in this country tend to live on the mountainsides. I thought the pose was absurdly hilarious due to how similar the monkey looks to some statues of humans.

Two monkeys can be seen in this image, looking towards the street, who may be looking at standby cars as a car is slightly seem in the rare view mirror seen at the left most part of the photo. The nearest monkey is sitting near the street curb while the taller monkey is seating near the pipes on the floor. It may be hard to notice but there is a sign for drivers near the second monkey.

This monkey is looking at a tree branch he most likely picked up. The branches are on the floor around the rock the monkey is sitting on, almost like a circle around it. Monkey’s are clearly learning.