A Gradient

A Gradient: I went shopping this weekend and when i walked out the mall i was hit by this beautiful view of the sun setting. i couldn’t help myself but to take a picture. It is amazing how the sky is able to deliver a variety of colors. Sometimes purple, sometimes pink. On this day it was a beautiful gradient going from blue to orange. Two colors we may not pair often but can be really beautiful together.

biking date

Biking Date: It was a beautiful day Saturday so my boyfriend and i decided to go biking. In this picture we are in VanCourtland park located near the 1 train. VanCourtland as you can see is a really big park where a variety of activities can be done. We biked for what felt like 5 miles. I was out of breath so we decided to rest a bit before we headed back home. My boyfriend and I were in complete silence just taking in this beautiful view of what that world has to offer us. Again, i couldn’t help but to capture this moment and the big fluffy clouds over us.

Foggy night

Foggy Night: I was on my way to the airport around 3am Friday night. It was slightly drizzling which created a bit of fog. My dad and i were stuck in a bit of traffic so i was able to take a quick picture of all the Lamps creating this ray of light. It was really pretty to look at. the whole highway was lit up by these lamp.