Autumn Leaves

This photo was taken in Prospect Park today on Sunday after I finished my 5 kilometer run. My favorite season is Fall, and I wanted to capture the beauty in the leaves. I had them displayed on a log with the lake and trees in the distance. The dominant impression are the 2 sweetgum tree leaves. They have a very distinct shape and burgundy color which I think perfectly resembles Fall. I used a little bit of contrast to make the details more pronounced in iPhone’s “Photo” app, however the photo is true to the original.

Brighton Beach

This is another photo taken from today. I moved to Brighton Beach a few months ago and it was nice to be able to capture this. I was waiting for the train to come and thought this looked really nice. You can see the buildings facing each other on one street which lead to the trees in the distance where the road stops. The photo is divided into two parts, the right side is dark and the other half is light, creating rich contrast and color.

Cozy Day at Home

This photo was taken 3 years ago. I used a filter to saturate and bring the photo to life. I enjoy nature and collecting plants which is why I decided to take this. This plant is a succulent(Scientific name: Haworthia Fasciata) and it has a very intricate design on the leaves. It has white spots/lines going across the leaves which all come together into a pattern. Even though it is a small plant that you may not notice at first, with close up photography, you can really highlight a certain object, plant, detail, etc and showcase it to others. I think the filter brings a lot of warmth and makes it appealing to the eye especially the reflection in the window.