
This course will focus on basic essay composition. We will be doing  college level writing with research elements, including citation.  We will also learn basic concepts of grammar, with the goal of understanding sentence structure.

Course objectives: Practice  academic college level writing. Practice critical thinking.  Learn research practices and MLA Citation.

The lab/conference hour is required and we will focus on activities as needed, including grammar, research and composition methods, and student discussion.

Readings in literature and modern essays.  Textbook will be online reader, Writing Through the Rhetorical Modes, edited by A. Foley and J. Sears.  Additional readings to be announced.

Assignments:  3 short papers, 3-5 pages long (45% of final grade)

1 longer, research assignment, 6-8 pages long, including citations and works cited page, using MLA format. (20% of final grade)

All papers must be printed and handed.

Papers may be rewritten and corrected for a higher grade.

Final Exam:  in class essay, finals week, at the end of the semester (20% of final grade)

Attendance and class participation (15% of final grade) are essential and excessive absences may affect the final grade.


Students who work with information ideas and texts owe their audience and sources accuracy and honesty in using, crediting, and citing sources.   As a community of intellectual and professional workers, the College recognizes its responsibility for providing instruction in information literacy and academic integrity, offering models of good practice, and responding vigilantly and appropriately to infractions of academic integrity.  Accordingly, academic dishonesty is prohibited in CUNY and at NYCCT and is punishable by penalties, includng failing grades, suspension, and expulsion.  The complete text of the College policy on Academic Integrity may be found in the catalog. 




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