Week 5: Reflections

I’ve been wrapping up my project at JOAN Creative this week, and it’s been pretty satisfying to see everything come together. We’ve been working on developing a strategy that blends organic and paid ads, and I’m really proud of what we’ve accomplished.

I’ve been trying to be more active on Slack lately. It’s the main way we communicate at JOAN Creative, so it’s important for me to get involved, share updates, and connect with my colleagues. The Slack environment has its own quirks. Humor, even the occasional light-hearted curse, seems to be a big part of how we bond as a team and keep things friendly. Everyone is really supportive of each other, which is great. But one thing I’ve noticed is that we all tend to agree with each other and build on each other’s ideas without much debate. It’s not quite what I expected, and I’m figuring out how to navigate it.

As I get more involved on Slack, I’m trying to strike a balance between being professional and being myself. I’m paying attention to how my colleagues communicate and trying to adapt my style to fit in while staying true to who I am. I’m taking small steps by sharing my ideas, adding some humor where it fits, and seeing how it goes. It’s a learning process, and I’m keeping an eye on how people react and adjusting accordingly.

I’ve started getting some feedback from a few trusted colleagues on how I communicate. Their input has been super helpful in helping me find my groove and feel more confident expressing myself in this creative space. This fifth week at JOAN Creative has been all about growth and exploration. Finishing up my project was a big deal, and getting more involved on Slack has opened up new opportunities for connecting and learning. Navigating the communication norms in a creative environment is a challenge, but it’s also a chance for me to broaden my horizons.