Week 3: Reflections

By week three, I had started to figure out how to handle the busy schedule filled with meetings. The initial overwhelm began to fade as I got more familiar with the topics and the people involved. I found myself feeling more prepared and confident when joining discussions, understanding the expectations, and even anticipating some of the questions and challenges that might come up. One thing I did was to start scheduling one-on-one meetings with my colleagues. These meetings were not just about work but also about getting to know them personally and understanding their roles within the agency. By adding these meetings to their schedules, I was able to build stronger relationships and gain deeper insights into the various aspects of our projects.

A highlight of my third week was meeting Tyler, an incredible freelance creative who collaborates with JOAN Creative. Tyler’s approach to the creative process was both inspiring and enlightening. We hit it off right away, and he generously shared his experiences and insights with me.
Tyler’s perspective on the creative process was eye-opening. He emphasized that the best ideas often come from the most unexpected places. Whether it’s a random conversation, a walk in the park, or even a quirky dream, creativity can strike at any moment. This notion was both liberating and exciting, reminding me to stay open-minded and embrace unconventional sources of inspiration.

One of Tyler’s key pieces of advice was to constantly expose myself to diverse experiences and stimuli. He suggested exploring different art forms, cultures, and environments to keep my creative juices flowing. This approach doesn’t only broaden one’s perspective but also enriches the creative output, making it more authentic and unique. The conversations I had with Tyler and my other colleagues underscored the importance of building connections in the workplace. These relationships are not only vital for collaboration but also for personal growth and learning. By taking the time to know my teammates, I’m creating a supportive network that’s there for me.