Author Archives: Peter J Puppola

Storyboard Assignment #9

-Target Audiance:
C)Busy with Work
E)Sick people

-Age Range: 20+

-Where it would be Played: Educational, Syfy & Family oriented Channels

A)Hands Free convenience
B)Freeing up more time in your day
C)Stylish New Headgear
D)Customizable Google Glass design

A)Taking Photos
B)Record Videos
C)Getting directions
D)Sending Messages
E)phone Calls
F)Google+ hangouts
G)Google stylish new headgear
H)Plus more upcoming features!

A) It will take palce in 3 sepearate locations- Home, City, College.

-Tone of Message:

A) An alarm goes off starting the beginning of the commercial. As the protagonist wakes up they glance over at the clock to realize they’ve woken up late and need to hurrt in order to get to class on time. The put their Google Glass on and rush out of bedbefore prepping for the day at a quickened speed. They start off by headign to the bethroom whilst shirtless and begin brushing their teeth and/or combing their hair. Then a scene transition flips them over to walking fast or pacing through their hallway as they are putting on their upper body clothing Shirt/jacket). As they run through the hall they grab a fruit and their backpack and receive a call from a friend whom also just recently woke up. They friend greets the protagonist before starting to scream at the sight of their face and hair. The protagonist cuts the call out in mid scream which not only works in a humorous fashion but is because they have no time to deal with that. The protagonist winds up hurrying out the door as he finishes his fruit and tosses the biodegradeable waste into his lawn before starting to sprint down the block, a low angle shot giving off a more dramatic view of the protagonist dissappearing into the distance whilst displaying the remains of the fruit on the side which gives off more of a “support” for the shot to seem a little more fortified as well as to frame the protagonist a little more. The bus just leaves and Google Glass comes to the rescue by stateing that the protagonist can take the train  to get to his destination as it is arriving to his local station very soon. He reaches the trainstation and rushes down just catchign the train as it comes in. Hes given a breif moment to relax as the train takes him forth. Scene transitions over to the protagonist running up out of the station and right infront of his college which he then scene transitions once more to our protagonist having gotten to class JUST on time as hes reassured by his Google Glass which displays the time that it currently is for him to look at. In a sigh of releif the protagonist cheers himself on, sits in his seat and high-fives his friend before the scene ends.

Storyboard Assignment #8

The ad i chose was one from the FireKillsCampaign and infact was not only chosen for its strong message (when it reveals itself) and compelling transition through the scene (which came into play after a very breif hesitation into the start of the ad)  but it actually did make an impact on me as well as a good few people i showed it to at the college.

The scene starts out with a child casually playing with some burned up toys rubble and ash in what appears to be a dimly lit and seemingly abandoned apartment building. The scene portrays misery and loneliness (utilizing emotion on the viewers).. It gives off a sense that things aren’t well and it utilizes many different camera angles.. Five camera angles just in the beginning to be precise, each shrouded in darkness with weakened light coming through the grimy windows in the back. As the scene transitions it starts to make the message more apparent with the child standing in the middle of his charred room with the camera slowly panning in on him.. The message he states getting stronger and deeper as he gets his viewers to promise to test their smoke alarms more often. As the scene transitions further and he finishes his speech.. the child picks up an alarm clock with the camera no-longer looking at him and as it goes back, it shows him bleeding from the nose with red ashy eyes. The child disappears into nothingness and it becomes  clear that the child we have been watching infact died in this room.. He was a victim of people who didn’t take the time to check their smoke alarms.

In general the story really utilizes lighting/darkness, emotion and a bit of scene clutter in just the right “elemental status” to make the message coming across even stronger. By adding a variety of interesting camera angle shots and the actions of the “less fortunate” (in this case the child playing with whatever he can find which works) they further make people feel bad which is more likely to get a reaction out of viewers and a higher chance of them following through with what the creators of the campaign are after. My friends and i have summed the ad up as what seems to be somewhat of a guilt trip rather than an actual harmless ad. But that matters not because this ad was effective on me and successfully put its point across.

Noir Assignment 6B

citytech.png sin-city-all-aim-at-dwight

For Assignment 6B i chose this amazing Scene. I simply LOVE how so many different little details come together to create such a heart racing suspenseful site to behold. Where to begin… The Lighting! The lighting is all throughout the image but the scene but it shines mainly where it’s important which is along each and every one of the females guns as well as arms. Each one is an arrow and highlights that they are dead-set on shooting the protagonist. Next I find it necessary to point out the scene implements a very high amount of overlapping combined with camera focus. Anything that isn’t important is blurred out to some degree (everything except for all of the characters who are infact all interacting with the main character at once. They ALL play a part and add to the antagonists strength). Aside from the overlapping and the mass amount of antagonists in this scene, the image takes a great stride in holding to not letting a single character sit in the middle of the scene. It makes sure to let the viewers know that each and every character you are looking at is quite relevant to the scene and due to there being a good amount of light on all the characters in the background (the women with the guns), it allows you to keep your focus on the two more important characters in the bottom right whom are more so locked in conversation and slightly more shrouded in darkness.

Noir Storyboard Rough

storyboard 1 noir skeleton storyboard 2 noir skeleton

Panel 1: Fade in — POV: Close Up – Looking at Book in dimly lit room with candle next to it – SOUND: Silence.

Panel 2: POV: Extreme Wide View – Camera backs off to give entire view of protagonist sitting in-front of book in a dark room – SOUND: Silence.

Panel 3:  — POV: Medium View – Protagonist stares down at the table with wide empty eyes and a sense of fear and dispair. He holds a coin in his hand and mentally readies himself in silence – SOUND: Silence.

Panel 4:  — POV: Extreme Close Up – Protagonist puts the coin hes holding onto the book. The book then begins to have veins emerging from under the coin and dive back into the book as they extend outward causing root-like noises – SOUND: Rustling from Book.

Panel 5: — POV: Camera panning In – Viewers get a up close view of the book as it changes , more-so from the perspective of the protagonist as if they were leaning inward at a slow pace – SOUND: Rustling.

Panel 6: Scene Transition: Faded Quick Zoom Out — POV: Extreme Wide View – A dark creature quickly emerges from the book as the book shoots open to the center of its pages. The dark figure slowly begins to emerge more and more after a sharp and instant arrival. – SOUND: Loud chanting coming from the book as well as what appears to be demonic breathing.

Panel 7: — POV: Over the Shoulder/Wide View – Protagonist runs out the door in a frantic state as the dark figure contineus to emerge from the book, moving at a slow pace but each limb moving very quickly as they leave the books hold. – SOUND: Screaming coming from protagonist as the dark figure continues to breath and the book continues to chant.

Panel 8: — POV: Wide View – The Dark Figure walks down the same hallway the protagonist ran through as he was screaming earlier on his way out, scraping its claw against the wall and carving a deep streak into it  – SOUND: The sound of plaster falling to the floor with a low background sound of chanting behind the dark figure.

Panel 9:  — POV: Over The Shoulder – Camera Pans behind the Protagonist and sticks behind him as he runs through dark corridors and hallways whilst breathing heavily in a frantic state. – SOUND: Heavy breathing as well as loud echoing footsteps

Panel 10:  — POV: Over The Shoulder or Wide View (still haven’t decided) – The protagonist comes to a stairwell and without hesitation runs up the one to his left whilst not even able to hear the dark figure that was following him anymore. – SOUND: Continuous heavy breathing and footsteps as they slam up stairs.

Panel 11:  — POV: Low Shot – The camera bobs and weaves as tho we are looking through the protagonists eyes. He closes in on the top of the stairs which lead to a door with light coming out through the window in the middle of it. He continues to go for what he feels to be salvation. – SOUND: deep slowing breaths as the protagonist becomes exhausted and slowing footsteps

Panel 12: — POV: Close Up – Camera does a closeup of the door as the protagonist finally reaches his exit only to have the dark figure from earlier shove its way through. The screen goes dark and the protagonists journey ends. – SOUND: Door slamming open and a loud screeching noise before the deathly screaming of our protagonist.