Noir Assignment 6B

citytech.png sin-city-all-aim-at-dwight

For Assignment 6B i chose this amazing Scene. I simply LOVE how so many different little details come together to create such a heart racing suspenseful site to behold. Where to begin… The Lighting! The lighting is all throughout the image but the scene but it shines mainly where it’s important which is along each and every one of the females guns as well as arms. Each one is an arrow and highlights that they are dead-set on shooting the protagonist. Next I find it necessary to point out the scene implements a very high amount of overlapping combined with camera focus. Anything that isn’t important is blurred out to some degree (everything except for all of the characters who are infact all interacting with the main character at once. They ALL play a part and add to the antagonists strength). Aside from the overlapping and the mass amount of antagonists in this scene, the image takes a great stride in holding to not letting a single character sit in the middle of the scene. It makes sure to let the viewers know that each and every character you are looking at is quite relevant to the scene and due to there being a good amount of light on all the characters in the background (the women with the guns), it allows you to keep your focus on the two more important characters in the bottom right whom are more so locked in conversation and slightly more shrouded in darkness.

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