Storyboard Assignment #9

-Target Audiance:
C)Busy with Work
E)Sick people

-Age Range: 20+

-Where it would be Played: Educational, Syfy & Family oriented Channels

A)Hands Free convenience
B)Freeing up more time in your day
C)Stylish New Headgear
D)Customizable Google Glass design

A)Taking Photos
B)Record Videos
C)Getting directions
D)Sending Messages
E)phone Calls
F)Google+ hangouts
G)Google stylish new headgear
H)Plus more upcoming features!

A) It will take palce in 3 sepearate locations- Home, City, College.

-Tone of Message:

A) An alarm goes off starting the beginning of the commercial. As the protagonist wakes up they glance over at the clock to realize they’ve woken up late and need to hurrt in order to get to class on time. The put their Google Glass on and rush out of bedbefore prepping for the day at a quickened speed. They start off by headign to the bethroom whilst shirtless and begin brushing their teeth and/or combing their hair. Then a scene transition flips them over to walking fast or pacing through their hallway as they are putting on their upper body clothing Shirt/jacket). As they run through the hall they grab a fruit and their backpack and receive a call from a friend whom also just recently woke up. They friend greets the protagonist before starting to scream at the sight of their face and hair. The protagonist cuts the call out in mid scream which not only works in a humorous fashion but is because they have no time to deal with that. The protagonist winds up hurrying out the door as he finishes his fruit and tosses the biodegradeable waste into his lawn before starting to sprint down the block, a low angle shot giving off a more dramatic view of the protagonist dissappearing into the distance whilst displaying the remains of the fruit on the side which gives off more of a “support” for the shot to seem a little more fortified as well as to frame the protagonist a little more. The bus just leaves and Google Glass comes to the rescue by stateing that the protagonist can take the train  to get to his destination as it is arriving to his local station very soon. He reaches the trainstation and rushes down just catchign the train as it comes in. Hes given a breif moment to relax as the train takes him forth. Scene transitions over to the protagonist running up out of the station and right infront of his college which he then scene transitions once more to our protagonist having gotten to class JUST on time as hes reassured by his Google Glass which displays the time that it currently is for him to look at. In a sigh of releif the protagonist cheers himself on, sits in his seat and high-fives his friend before the scene ends.

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