Storyboard Assignment #8

The ad i chose was one from the FireKillsCampaign and infact was not only chosen for its strong message (when it reveals itself) and compelling transition through the scene (which came into play after a very breif hesitation into the start of the ad)  but it actually did make an impact on me as well as a good few people i showed it to at the college.

The scene starts out with a child casually playing with some burned up toys rubble and ash in what appears to be a dimly lit and seemingly abandoned apartment building. The scene portrays misery and loneliness (utilizing emotion on the viewers).. It gives off a sense that things aren’t well and it utilizes many different camera angles.. Five camera angles just in the beginning to be precise, each shrouded in darkness with weakened light coming through the grimy windows in the back. As the scene transitions it starts to make the message more apparent with the child standing in the middle of his charred room with the camera slowly panning in on him.. The message he states getting stronger and deeper as he gets his viewers to promise to test their smoke alarms more often. As the scene transitions further and he finishes his speech.. the child picks up an alarm clock with the camera no-longer looking at him and as it goes back, it shows him bleeding from the nose with red ashy eyes. The child disappears into nothingness and it becomes  clear that the child we have been watching infact died in this room.. He was a victim of people who didn’t take the time to check their smoke alarms.

In general the story really utilizes lighting/darkness, emotion and a bit of scene clutter in just the right “elemental status” to make the message coming across even stronger. By adding a variety of interesting camera angle shots and the actions of the “less fortunate” (in this case the child playing with whatever he can find which works) they further make people feel bad which is more likely to get a reaction out of viewers and a higher chance of them following through with what the creators of the campaign are after. My friends and i have summed the ad up as what seems to be somewhat of a guilt trip rather than an actual harmless ad. But that matters not because this ad was effective on me and successfully put its point across.

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